Art and Craft Classes Online

Join Art and Craft Classes from Home

Want to join Art and Craft Classes from home?

Do you have a long desire in you to create something with all those paints, brushes, glue, and stones? Maybe, your newly married life gives you no time to join Art and Crafts or is it simply a desire to do something in arts or crafts? Or all of a sudden you have found an urge in you to create something for your room interiors?

Whatever your reasons or desires be, if they are anywhere near paints, pencils, canvas or colours, you are at the best place! In light of the changing time, Indian Hobby Ideas has come up with a solution for your boredom. You will be learning art and craft from anywhere and everywhere. How? Join our interactive online classes, workshops or personal lessons and learn Art and Craft right from your home! Also, by comparison, these are also more affordable and fun!

Our aim is not only to make you learn art and crafts. It is also to keep these classes hope-filled and gather memorable happy moments. As such, we have minimum charges that also keep the momentum of the Trust going. In addition, we use a personal meeting room for these art and craft classes, which means one-on-one learning, more fun and more creativity!

How are these Art and Craft Classes Conducted?

Be it G-Meet, Zoom, or WhatsApp Video Calls The Online Meeting Apps are integral to making these art and craft classes happen. Our focus is on making the student learn the art form thoroughly. You will end up mastering the technique and learning the history behind each new article or painting.

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Recently held Art and Craft Classes

The following classes were held in the form of Workshops during Corona Times of Lockdown. The similar provided us with the idea of reaching our students through Online Mediums.

Missed it? No worries. Register for a Personal Class!

Student Work

Below are the final items crafted by our students by learning through Online Classes during the times of lockdown, conducted through the Zoom Application.

So, what are you waiting for? Fill in this form and join in our creative rooms filled with Art and Craft Nerds!

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